Wednesday, March 20, 2013

10 frame War

We just played a game that was a big hit.  I am excited to have a way to help P visualize numbers.  We played ten frame war.  The cards we use don't have numbers on them and I had her calculate the dots on each of her cards.  I watched her figure out different ways to do it.  The hard cards are 6, 7, 8, 9, with 7 and 8 being the hardest.  We have been playing 10 fish, but I have had the hardest time getting her to remember which cards add up to 10.  She quickly figured it out with 10 frame war.  If there are two dots missing that means it is 8 because 8 +2 =10.  She knew there were 5 dots on one half of the frame so if there is one more dot that makes 6.  Such a small thing, but big excitement for us :).

This is where we found 10 frame war :